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June: Artist Spotlight - Lindsay Craig

Writer's picture: Lindsay CraigLindsay Craig

This month's Artist Spotlight is Lindsay Craig, one of p52clicks very own admin team members. Her creative use of diptychs immediately caught our eye and we wanted to dig deeper into her brain to see how it ticks. Although we've never featured an admin team member before, we thought it only fair since we all participate in the project along side of you.

We love Lindsay and we want all of you to love her, too! Now go read more about our beloved Lindsay!

Tell us about your photography journey...

I never know quite where to start with this one😂. My journey has been long and slow moving at times, but I am happy for it as it has led me to where I am. I try not to get discourage from those who seem to have a quicker path to success than I do, as we all have our own unique experiences that take us where we are going (I'll admit, this is easier said than done).

I think I was always interested in photography in a way, as a kid I enjoyed looking a the work of photographers (Ansel Adams was a favorite) and then my junior and senior years of high school I took a black and white film class where we developed our own film and made our own prints. I loved it. I asked my parents for an enlarger for home and I got a used one as a Christmas gift. It was a hard habit to keep up on without an actual dark room (I used our laundry room and had to fully set up and take down everything each time I wanted to use it as a dark room) I went off to college and took a photography course there and kind of realized I wasn't as good as I thought I was, plus it didn't really fit into my studies in any way so I dropped it at that point.

Fast forward to my maternity leave with my third child and I had heard of this little app called Instagram. I downloaded it and played around with filters and enjoyed it quite a bit. From there I discovered feature pages and entered the momtog community. After that I think my journey was quite similar to those around me. I got reinterested in photography via my iPhone and eventually switched to a dslr. That was a hard switch from me and it took me an incredibly long time (years)to figure out how to use my camera and then even longer to figure out editing. I am glad I stuck with it and learned from those around me and the online communities. I have really just picked up bits and pieces here and there for several years (I bought my dslr in 2012). I participated in P52 the first year it launched and that really changed things for me. That dreaded first month of low light really opened my eyes and took me away from my all the light all the time, the bigger the sun flare the better approach. I asked Angie if I could jump on as an admin and starting on the project's second year, I got to experience it from behind the scenes. I owe this project everything, I wouldn't be where I am without it.

Oh. Man. that was long winded. I appreciate you hanging on there.

Tell us a bit about your style...

I always struggle with this question. I don't have a quick descriptor to describe my style such as "light and airy". If I had to pick a word to describe my style, I'd say playful. I love to play with light, if you've been around me at all, you know my obsession with stripey light. I love playing with fun light and shadows. I love freelensing and want a Lensbaby real bad (my birthday was this week if you're looking for a last minute gift for me... hint hint). I love deep blacks and vibrant colors. I love to play with my prisms and new techniques that I come across. I have recently taken the dive into diptychs and that has been a challenge I didn't quite expect and one I don't expect to get bored by any time soon.

What gear do you use?

I stared with a crop sensor Nikon DSLR and shot with that way past it's prime. I recently upgraded to a Sony mirrorless (a7iii) and currently my only lens is a Sigma Art 35mm (which I love)

What's your go to lens and why?

Since I currently only have the one, I'd have to go with that😂. I also use my old 50mm on my Nikon for freelensing, and before it completely crapped out, I loved shooting with my zoom at 18mm (and only at 18mm, it sucked for everything else)

Who and what inspires you?

EVERYTHING! This community, my kids, light and shadows, finding new things to try, fun light and shadows, stripey light, pretty skies, light and shadows...

What tips do you have for shooting diptychs?

Well, since I wrote a whole blog on this which you can check out here, I won't go into it too much right now. But my advice on this theme (and really any technique) is to try it, play around with it as often and as much as you can. With diptychs, start basic (two images from the same series with different POVs or different sides to the story), from there dive into more complex pairings.

What diptych image are you most proud of and/or love the most and why?

I actually have a few, but if I had to choose one, I'd say this red one. I decided I wanted to branch out and try to shoot with the intention of creating a diptych and didn't really know where to start, so I decided to start by shooting the rainbow. My first attempt was red and I went around shooting anything and everything I could find that was red. I loved how this came together and in addition to the reds I loved the shapes and lines together (and you may be able to spot a bit of stripey light in there too 😂)

Others from my color series, because, well, I want to.

As always, thanks for reading, and happy diptyching!




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