You know how sometimes, you blink, and the time has just completely passed you by? I'm pretty familiar with the feeling myself. In fact, I blinked this week and this highlight reel that I was supposed to share on Monday totally passed me by, and I realized after a gentle reminder from the fabulous Angie that I never got it up and running. Ahhhh well, better late than never. Enjoy a handful of my favorite images submitted last month for documentary!
xoxo, Emily

Gear: Sony A7iii + 35mm 1.8
Settings: 1/500, f1.8, ISO 250
The Shot: Just stepped back from our table and shot them while they ate/played with their fries. Kept a low aperture to blur out the people behind
Post Processing: Upped contrast a bit, adjusted white balance, cropped/straightened a bit to fix my lines.

Gear: Nikon d750 and sigma 35 mm art lens
Settings: f4.5, iso 160, 1/200
The Shot: Documenting the teenagers in my life doing their normal things lol. This is my daughter and my niece. They are constantly taking pics of each other. Usually ones were they look crazy or at times when they are unsuspecting of photos...
Post Processing: Cropped in tighter to get the framing I wanted in Lightroom. Adjusted the brightness and exposure.

Gear: Nikon d7500, NIkon 35 mm lens
Settings: ISO 400, f/3.5 1/250
The Shot: My father in law was sitting after the family dinner and I snapped this photo of him.
Post Processing: I hand edited in LR and PS, adjusting exposure, contrast and cropping.

Gear: Sony a7iii, FE 70-200mm F2.8 GM OSS
Settings: 1/1250, f2.8, ISO 100
The Shot: We had a runner on third. I had my focus on home plate for both the batter and in hopes the runner would make it home. The other team overthrew the ball to home just as the runner was sliding home. The catcher didn’t realize he’d missed the catch as he tagged the runner, leaving us with a run and surprising me with a ball to the backstop.
Post Processing: My only edit was a slight crop to straighten out the fence because I lost some of my composition while cheering.

Gear: Nikon d750 24mm
Settings: ISO 400, 24mm, f/4.0, 1/125ss
The Shot: We live in New England and nice days are rare in the early spring. My husband is always so excited to get the kayak ready so he can go out and start his fishing season. He said he was going out to clean it up and I thought I’d try to document it.
Post Processing: The editing was pretty basic, adjusted the basic panel and the tone curve. Added a little vibrance to pop the colors.

Gear: Canon EOS 5D mark III
Settings: 1/160 @ f/4.0, ISO 6400
The Shot: I was standing on the counter to get the camera angle I wanted - all the while my daughter was asking me to stop taking pictures and help with the dishes.
Post Processing: Edited in LR using Pretty Present: Au Natural

Gear: Canon 6D Mark ii, Sigma 35mm 1.4
Settings: ISO 1600, f/3.2, 1/100
The Shot: I wanted to capture this sweet moment of my daughter looking at her books just before bedtime. She was already sitting in a pocket of light so I stood back in the doorway and focused on her there.
Post Processing:I edited this in Lightroom using a Tribe Archipelago preset with minor adjustments. I used a radial filter around my daughter to add clarity and lift shadows.

Gear: Canon R6 with Canon RF 16mm
Settings: 1/160, f7.1 ISO 8000
The Shot: My daughter loves the online cosmic kids yoga lady so much she got her own yoga mat for Christmas. I wanted to capture her doing yoga with her baby doll so I got low and close to the baby doll and watched her do yoga for a bit. This was a moment when my daughter decided that a plank was just too much. Which, I mean, I totally relate to
Post Processing: Edited in LR to convert to black and white. Adjusted color mix and exposure. Increased contrast and adjusted tone curve. Used transform to straighten lines since things get wonky fast at 16mm

Gear: Canon EOS 5D mark iii
Settings: 1/1250 sec @ f/4.0, ISO 200
The Shot: Bright day down at the bay but with clouds rolling in. Running around after kids who were exploring.
Post Processing: Pretty Presets Clean Rich Color in Lightroom