No matter how old my kids get, I feel like capturing movement is always going to be one of my favorite themes of photography. Whether it's uneasy first steps, riding bikes, or playing high school sports, being able to capture movement in the way that is most compelling to the story is such a fun challenge. This month you guys did not disappoint with your creative movement images, and choosing this set was incredibly difficult!
Peace, Love, and onto the next theme,

Gear: Canon EOS 70D, 17-55 2.8 lens at 17mm
Settings: 1/40 sec, f 2.8, ISO 500
The Shot: I was packing up the family to go on a trip to see my in-laws for a week. I had all the family suitcases in my bedroom and was gathering clothes to put in them. My three year old kept coming in with armfuls of clothes that I didn't want to get confused with the clothes I was actually going to bring, so I gave her a small suitcase I wasn't using to put in her room to pack. Later when I went in her room and saw all her clothes out of the dresser and heaping over the suitcase, I knew I wanted to document her "packing". For some pictures I told her to keep packing and got some frozen action shots but for this one I lowered the shutter speed and told her when to toss the clothes out of her dresser. Took a few shots and kept my favorite.
Post Processing: Adjusted exposure and color balance, brought up shadows and brought down highlights, used adjustment brush to brighten suitcase and flying clothes. Used a couple graduated filters on the corners to draw attention to the middle of the photo.

Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Settings: f/2.8, 1/320s, iso 320
The Shot: Turned on the fan and then waited for her to turn on her usual goofiness!
Post Processing: Photoshop

Gear: Canon 6DMII, 24-70mm
Settings: 24mm, f2.8, ISO 100, 1/2500
The Shot: When I saw that she had a cape on with her rain boots and was swinging, I knew I had to capture it. I focused on her before she started swinging and then shot when she was at the bottom to catch her cape flying.
Post Processing: Hand edits in PS

Gear: Nikon d810, sigma art 35
Settings: 1/60, f1.4, ISO 250
The Shot: My girl was just having some fun with a scarf of mine. when I saw that I positioned her in this hallway and asked her to just twirl around and have fun. It was evening when I shot this.
Post Processing: Edited in LR, adjusted WB, straightened and cropped, applied a elements preset conversion to b/w, adjusted contrast, HSL panels, clarity and texture to get desired effect.

Gear: SONY a r iii with 35mm
Settings: ISO 640, F 1.8 1/2000
The Shot: Playing Scotter in our neighborhood, She is "showing off" her new moves, So I got this shot
Post Processing: Edited in LR and PS, added radial blur for more fun.

Gear: Fuji XT20 with 35mm f2 lens
Settings: F2.0, 1/1250, iso 1000
The Shot: My daughter has been growing vegetables in tubs and I wanted to capture her watering them. A breeze went through as I was taking her photo and I loved the movement of her skirt.
Post Processing: Used Elena S Blair outside preset as a base, increased texture.

Gear: Nikon D5600, 35mm
Settings: 1/4000 sec at f/2.0, ISO 100
The Shot: A girl on a mission with her handlebar streamers blowing in the wind.
Post Processing: Edited with LR and PS: dropped the highlights and whites, increased shadows and blacks a tad, and adjusted the blue and pink hues to make the bike pop a bit more.

Gear: Canon 6D Mark 2 50mm 1.8
Settings: 1/10 F.22 ISO 100
The Shot: I was messing around with different shutter speeds to capture movement whilst my son whizzed around and around on the roundabout. This was a really slow shutter but my favourite of the photos I took.
Post Processing: I liked this in colour and black and white, but it felt more timeless to me in b&w so I went with that. I used The Beautiful Ordinary B&W preset and just brought down the highlights a bit more and added contrast and clarity.

Gear: Canon 5DIV, Sigma 35 mm f/1.4
Settings: 15 sec, f/1.4, ISO 400
The Shot: I scoured locations in daylight and I used the app Stellarium to locate the comet NEOWISE. I tried my 85 mm prime but this only would afford me a view of the comet and not the reflection on the lake so I went with my fast 35 mm. A tripod was necessary as was a flashlight
Post Processing: Light Room only edit. I increased contrast and played with white balance until I liked it. I increased the blue saturation using camera calibration. I used a brush to increase clarity around the comet and I reduced noise. I also used a brush to decrease exposure on the tree silhouettes

Gear: Nikon d610; nikkor 50mm f1.8
Settings: 1/20 sec, iso80, 50mm f1.8
The Shot: Decided to play around with a slow shutter speed while driving. I liked the motion formed by the guard rail and white line and a bit of a self portrait in the side mirror.
Post Processing: edited in lightroom using a preset for matte

Gear: Nikon z6 Mirrorless, 85mm
Settings: ISO 60, F16, 1/15s handheld
The Shot: I shot this handheld since it wasn't planned and I didn't have my tripod at the beach. I set my camera to burst mode, held my breath (this helps with camera shake) and hit the shutter once while the water rushed in, allowing multiple shots to be taken at once. This ensured that at least one would be in focus.
Post Processing: Edited in LR and PS

Gear: Canon 5D Mark III on my 35mm lens
Settings: f2, ISO 100, & 1/1000
The Shot: We finally got to the beach! I know, took us long enough. This kid loves to fly! So when Daddy asked her if she wanted to fly, of course she squealed “Yes!!!” I simply knelt in the water & shot as she flew.
Post Processing: I edited this with Goodlight Presets. I added a pinch of contrast & increased the shadows a tad, & that was it.

Gear: Nikon D500 and 18-300mm
Settings: f6, 1/400s, ISO 100
The Shot: I was standing on the beach of a little man made pond photographing the sunset when I noticed these girls jumping off of the dock. I exposed for the water in order to silhouette the girls.
Post Processing: In Lr I increased saturation, clarity and contrast.

Gear: Canon 5D Mk iv, lensbaby edge 50
Settings: iso 1600 1/640 f 16 or 11
The Shot: I was visiting a park and manually focused on my son as he was running away. He looks slightly out of focus, which I think adds to the motion
Post Processing: Basic adjustments in LR (exposure, contrast, curves, color adjustments), then added radial contrast in PS to accentuate the sunlight