Theme: Full Sun
Full sun is one of those themes that generally give people a run for their money. Navigating shadows and hotspots and all the challenges of harsh light can be tough. Honestly, y'all killed it. I am amazed at the beautiful work and inspired by all of you. Narrowing down images to just a few for this post was really hard.
You are such an amazing group and I really enjoy seeing your work each week. Here are some of my favorites for Full Sun.

Gear: Nikon D3500, 35mm lense
Settings: ISO 100, 1/4000, f5.0
The Shot: Shot this at the park with my nephew. He climbed out into the field and I had trouble with my focus on my first shot and loved the dreaminess the change of focus gave the composition!
Post Processing: Edited in Lightroom with Smal1 and tweaks, then added an overlay to give it more of a vintage feel♥

Gear: Canon 6D 85mm
Settings: ISO 100 f/2.5 1/1000s
The Shot: One windy day I asked my daughter for some portraits. This is what she gave me.
Post Processing: In Lightroom I added my base preset and tweaked a bit. I used a radial filters over my daughter to help her stand out from background a bit. Then I brought it into photoshop, added a tone overlay and a LUT to get the greens I wanted.

Gear: D750, 35mm 1.8
Settings: 1/400 sec. f/4.5, ISO 320
The Shot: We have has no sun for a week and I saw the tiniest bit appearing and we rushed off to the park. I really didn't want to give up with the theme and it's not full sun, but it's as much sun as we are expecting to get over the next 10 days.
Post Processing: I hand edited the image and then added a preset to help brighten up the conservatory. I used dodge and burn and added a bit of blur to the sky and the trees.

The Gear: Canon 5D Mark III 35mm
Settings: f5 ISO125 1/1250.
The Shot: We were having my middle daughters birthday celebration and after running around getting everything set up I decided to sit for a minute and relax... I have been laughing at my sandal tan for a while now. As soon as warmer weather hits the sandals go on and they basically are all I wear during the entire summer. We have been taking lots of walks and bike rides with the family during quarantine which has helped this tan become so pronounced. As I sat down that day I started laughing at just how bad it was... and figured I needed to document this tan in all its glory.
Post Processing: Shadows brought up, greens adjusted, sharpened and cropped in Photoshop.

Gear: I used my Canon 6D and 35mm 1.4 ART lens.
Settings: My settings were ISO 160, f/2.5, and 1/4000.
The Shot: I shot this trying to capture my daughter's piggy tails and because I knew the yellow from her bathing suit complimented the blue sky.
Post Processing: I edited this starting with the Smal 04 preset, kept the grain, and then took it into PS to finish it off.

Gear: Nikon D750, 35mm 1.8
The Settings: ISO 100, f2.5, 1/4000
The Shot: Shot this as my daughter played with her hula hoop in our driveway. I wanted to capture a good shadow!
Post Processing: Edited in LR using SMAL01. Removed grain, matte, adjusted WB/exposure a lot, and cloned out the distracting sidewalk. I cropped the image in a lot closer to help bring the viewer’s attention to the shadow

Gear: Canon 6dmkii and Tamron 24-70 G2 2.8 lens
Settings: f3.2, 1/500, ISO 100
The Shot: I took my son to play at his fave playground to fill in time before picking up his big sister from school.
Post Processing: Hello Autumn preset with tweaks and polished up in Photoshop.

Jingyi Zhang
Gear: Sony a r iii with 35 mm
Settings: ISO 250 1/2000 f 2
The Shot: My daughter was riding bike at 5 pm, I like trees behind and got this moment.
Post Processing: Edit in LR, mainly adjusting Yellow and green colors, enhance the light on the trees, and changed her bike and helmet color to red (it was blue).

Gear:Canon 5d mk3
Settings: f2.2, 1/8000s, iso100.
The Shot: I took this really close to midday so I had to under expose my daughter a little to prevent blowing the sky. I got down low to take the photos to include more of the grasses framing her.
Post ProcessingL I edited in Lightroom mobile app to brighten my daughter a little and adjusted the greens to find a tone I was happy with.

Gear: GoPro Hero 7 Black
Settings: Wide mode - Raw
The Shot: Shot at the waterpark splash pad.
Post Processing: Converted to B&W, cleaned up distractions, added a cloud overlay.

Gear: Fuji XT20 and 35mm f2
Settings: Iso 200, fr, 1/4000
The Shot: He finally had sun this week, a rare occurrence in a UK summer! Past 2 days I had been working but it was still nice today so I got the paddling pool and ridiculous inflateable donut. We all cooled down and had a fantastic time. This is my favourite shot out of the set I took today.
Post Processing: Edited in LR with Elena Blair outdoor preset. Enhanced using clarity and texture and brought up the shadow a little on her costume. I made the blues look a bit deeper too.

Nicole Rimby
Gear: Canon 5d Mark iV, sigma 35mm
Settings: f/1.8, ISO 50, 3200s
The Shot: Was documenting a one year old’s birthday celebration. Was on the pool edge shooting down. Used center focus and recomposed as needed.
Post Processing: REFINED preset with tweaks

Gear: Canon 5DIV, Sigma 35 mm f/1.4
Settings:ISO 100, f/20, 1/3200 sec
The Shot: I got down pretty low and angled the camera so that the lines of the path followed my daughter. I slightly underexposed to preserve the highlights in my daughter’s skin and to preserve the sky. I took this as faceless because the sun was causing harsh shadows on her face. It rained shortly after this but it was as much light as we’ve had in ages in the UK 😆
Post Processing: In Light Room I straightened, cropped, upped the contrast using the tone curve but reduced shadows with the slider. I played with the colours using the HSL panel until I liked them. I added a graduated filter to the sky and lowered the exposure and highlights and increased contrast. In Photo Shop I cloned out some distracting elements and added a colour overlay. I added a saturation level to increase the red in the strawberries to bring them out more.