Perspectives is something that I always find intriguing - I love seeing how different people approach common scenes, and this month you guys did not disappoint! From small toys and details, to big skies and buildings, there were so many great perspectives on display in the photo dumps. Here are a handful of my favorites!
Peace, love, and be kind to your neighbors,

Gear: Nikon D750 & Sigma Art 35mm 1.4
Settings: F/3.2, ISO 500, SS 200
The Shot: I had my son spray the hose on the window while I stood inside shooting out.
Post Processing: In LR - cropped, applied 'S' curve, & bumped up the bottom to create matte effect, increased luminance & color. Took it into CS - Applied levels & curves layer to darken the surround & mask off center, added a yellow background, but removed texture, & sharpened.

Gear: Canon 6Dmkii with Sigma Art 35mm 1.4 lens
Settings: f2.2, 1/250, ISO 800
The Shot: My daughter had lined up all these stacking dolls in a perfect row in height order. I got down on my belly with my camera pretty much on the ground to shoot her playing with them and happened to catch the moment little brother broke in and busted them up. I like the scale here where he looks like a giant.
Post Processing: I really struggled with editing this one coz the blues are so cool and the creams are so warm. I tried converting it to b+w, but it lost the impact of the pops of colour on the dolls. In the end, I used a combo of grad and radial filters to adjust the white balance. I also took this one into Photoshop to crop out his foot intruding at the bottom of the frame coz it was distracting.

Gear: Canon 6D Sigma Art 35mm
Settings: ISO 100 f/2.8 1/400s
The Shot: It was raining one day when my dog rang the potty bell (I trained her to ring a bell when she needs to go potty), but once she realized it was raining, she immediately wanted back in. It was so cute seeing her sad face through the rain streaked glass that I grabbed my camera quick. The kids just gravitated toward the scene naturally.
Post Processing: In Lightroom I added the LXCN05 preset from Tribe Archipelago to convert to black and white. I removed grain and adjusted blacks and whites and other settings to get it moodier to fit the scene.

Gear: Canon 6D Mark II with Canon 35mm f/1.4
Settings: f/3.5 - 1/1000 - ISO 125
The Shot: I shot in live view with holding my camera above my head and tapped the screen to set the focus on him. I wanted him in the center of the photo so that board runners should be in the frame and the hood of the car was also a leading line.
Post Processing: Edited in Lightroom with '2 cool 4 u' preset from Two Blooms. Increased exposure, shadows, clarity and vibrance. Decreased blacks and slight curve adjustment. Removed some vignette. Warmed up WB.

Gear: Fujifilm x100f
Settings: ISO 250 f/8.0 ss 1/60s
The Shot: My six year old sat down in the middle of the cul-de-sac to take a break from riding his bike. I noticed that my ten year old was still riding, so I asked him to ride in between where I was kneeling and his brother. I used a slow shutter speed to use the motion blur to help frame my son. And I stopped down to help compensate for the slow shutter speed.
Post Processing: I applied a preset I created in Lightroom and made a small exposure tweak. I used Photoshop to dodge and burn some areas and to make the colors pop a bit more.

Gear: Nikon D750, 35mm 1.8
Settings: 1/320 sec. f/4, ISO 1600
The Shot: I told my daughter to hide. When she put her hands over her eyes I quickly did the same to Woody. I stood on the bed and took the photo of her from above. She thinks she really can't be seen like this.
Post Processing: I hand edited the image in Lightroom using a number guide to skin tones. Then I added shadow to her hair and where there are shadows using the Burn tool. I played with the adjustment tools to brighten the white bedding.

Gear: Canon 5d mark iii, sigma 35mm, Mahmoud softbox, Godox flash
Settings: ISO 160 | f/2.8 | 1/2500 | flash at 1/8th power
The Shot: I set up my light at camera right. Stood above him on the table and snapped away!
Post Processing: Edited with SMAL 01, lifted blacks and shadows, removed all grain.

Gear: Sony a r iii 35mm
Settings: ISO 200, F2, 1/8000
The Shot: My daughter was riding bike, I thought it was fun to catch some shadows.
Post Processing: Crop the image and add two shadows on the sides.

Gear: canon eos r with rf 35mm
Settings: 1/250, f/1.8, ISO 800. The sun was going down and iso was just starting to go up.
The Shot: We were starting to walk down a hill when I saw this log curling up like this. I knelt down to see what it looked like, and got them to play, snuggle, tickle, etc for 30 seconds while I took several shots of the moment.
Post Processing: I believe it was twyla’s present that comes with the editing class she offers(#9?). That was the base. Lots of tweaking colors for skin tone, and the grass. Pulled into PS to remove a few pieces of grass, and adjust skin a scoach more (not my strength though).

Gear: Canon 6D Mark II, 35mm
Settings: ISO 100 SS 1/1200 f2.0
The Shot: This was taken at my uncle's pool over the weekend, I had my son Luke go underneath the basketball hoop that is at the pool while he held on to the neat. He's squinting because it was bright outside!
Post Processing: I edited this using a preset I had made in Lightroom.

Gear: Canon 6D with 50 mm lens and tripod.
Settings: ISO 250, f. 2, 1/160
The Shot: My camera was on a tripod and facing the middle of the mirror. Adjusting the mirrors hid the camera and allowed me to have this perspective. I wanted to go beyond a picture of my face showing three times. I also wanted to portray something that is relevant to what I am feeling with my face out of focus to add interest.
Post Processing: Edited in lightroom. I increased texture to bring out the water drops on the mirror. The tone curve & the HSL panel really helped with the contrast and making the color pop more

Gear: Canon 6D mark ii Canon 35mm f2
Settings: ISO 2000 f2.8 1/500
The Shot: The girls were playing in the floor together and I laid down on my stomach in the hall to snap those cute little toes.
Post Processing: I used my favorite BNW preset in lightroom and did a little dodge and burn in PS.

Gear: Nikon D750 with Sigma Art 24-70 mm
Settings: 1/800 | f 6.3 | ISO 400
The Shot: I literally pressed myself against the building in this pic; the „Dancing Towers“ at the end (or beginning) of Hamburg‘s famous Reeperbahn. We wanted to explore how the amusement /bar & clubs / redlight district experienced Corona times .. still all pretty empty as bars are not allowed to open yet. If this area will survive is doubtable..
Post Processing: LR edits to create a bit of drama, increasing clarity, blacks, shadows and reducing the noise