Color theory is something that I always find a bit daunting, as it feels like something I need to plan in advance for, or specifically seek out intentional locations. I am absolutely blown away by everyone's creative use of color this month, and how the look of this season varies throughout the world. It was incredibly difficult to just pick a handful of favorites for this highlight reel, but I love how the full color spectrum has come together. Whether you're red, or blue, or somewhere in between, the diversity in these images are beautiful. We are closing the gap on the end of this year.
Peace, love, and coming together, Emily

Gear: Nikon D750, 35mm 1.8
Settings: ISO 320, 1/250 sec. f/8
The Shot: We went to a field near our home that was higher up on the hill, so I could see as much of the amazing sky as I could. The sky was beautiful tonight. I underexposed my image so that I could capture the details in the sky.
Post Processing: I used an adjustment brush to add more dark shadows to the silhouette. In photoshop I used the burn tool to make the shadows as dark black as possible.

Gear: Fuji XT3 with 27mm pancake lens.
Settings: Iso 3200, f4, 1/60.
The Shot: My children had a day filled with baking and I wanted to capture them decorating their creations. I decided to put the pumpkins on the table we collected a few days ago for a bit of storytelling. I love the oranges and blues.
Post Processing: Used Lightroom to edit with Elena Blair indoor preset, I reduced highlights, increased texture and clarity and added a slight vignette.

Gear: Canon EOS R6 with RF28-70mm at 55mm
Settings: 1/200 f2.0 ISO 4000
The Shot: We don't go out much after dark, but we were heading to Target and the sunset was so beautiful all the kids were mesmerized. I took a picture of my youngest because I loved the colors and how entranced she was. I think I totally freaked out the car that pulled up to us a second later at a stop light because I think they thought the big lens pointing out the back window was pointing at them. They noticeably slowed or sped up for the rest of the trip to not be in the lane right next to our car
Post Processing: Adjusted exposure in LR. Added clarity. Added vibrance. Split toned to increase warmth in highlights and added blues to shadows.

Gear: Nikon D850
Settings: F 2,2 ISO 100 , 1/125
The Shot: I wanted to make one color set up so I picked everything I could find at home with some red and made this arrangement.
Post Processing: I edited it in Lightroom - downed exposure, downed highlights and shadows and lifted whites a little bit, then made some color correction - made red with more yellow tones, yellow to more orange and pushed saturation of these two colors downed. Then I used gradients to make set up more dominant.

Gear: Nikon D7500, Nikon 35 mm 1.8
Settings: ISO 100, f/2, 1/500
The Shot: I really don't like pink, especially neon pink, but I wanted to embrace the pink and I was happy to find this complementary color. I think this combo works very well.
Post Processing: I used a preset called "brown, green, gold, light" from TBO and tweaked a little. It makes the pink much more nicer.

Gear: Canon 6D Mark II with Canon 35mm f/1.4
Settings: f/2.0 1/500 ISO 6400
The Shot: Arranged flowers and placed vase on grass. It was almost dark our and super overcast/foggy which created a moody light.
Post Processing: Edited in Lightroom with Clean Bright Color from Pretty Preset Clean & Colorful collection. Tweaked basics panel to darken the mood. Brush on white flowers to darken them.

Gear: Canon 5DmkIV 35mm
Settings: f2.8 1/160 ISO 200
The Shot: My youngest daughter finally lost her first tooth. She claims it was her sweet tooth but I know she must have more because all she asks for all day everyday is sweets I wanted to do something fun a and vibrant to capture this sweets loving girl. I knew she couldn't quite blow a bubble yet, so we used a pink water balloon. We used a yellow blanket as a backdrop with worked well with her new dyed fun red hair and blue eyes!
Post Processing: Highlights, shadows and levels adjusted, eyes sharpened and smoothed out the backdrop in Photoshop

Gear: Sony A7RIII, Helios lens
Settings: 58mm f/2 with macro extension tubes 1/400 sec ISO 100
The Shot: I had one white daisy thing (unsure of exact name!) and wanted to try and get as many different images as possible. I notice a strand of web silk shimmering in the sun so tried to backlight it a little and catch the shimmer as well as the water droplets. Sun rising back camera right. I just had to move this manual lens around until I got the right angle with the sun.
Post Processing: In LR I adjusted the basic sliders, added a radial filter haze to soften the light more on the upper right, also a very slight s curve in the tone curve. In PS I did some light cloning of another plant leaf bottom left and removed dust spots then sharpened.

Gear: Nikon D3500, 35mm
Settings: ISO 1600, f 2.2, 1/200
The Shot: We went to our local Lanterns and Legends Halloween fair. All of the local businesses are open late and decorate with jack-o'-lantern! I loved this fun window display
Post Processing: Edited with LR, SMAL 1 with tweaks. I turned my yellows waaay down for this one!

Gear: Sony a7ii kit lens shot at 28mm
Settings: f3.5, 1/400
The Shot: Our playgrounds finally opened after being closed since March! We just have to wear masks. We checked out this brand new playground and I liked how my son's jacket matched this climber. I said hi to him through this thing until he started posing
Post Processing: Editing was mostly straightening and fixing white balance. Tried to fix some green color casting but I struggle with that.

Gear: Sony a7iii with sony 35 mm
Settings: 1/400 f2.2 / iso 3200
The Shot: Dressed him, tossed the junk off the bed, opened the blinds, told him to lay down on the bed and look outside, shot from above.
Post Processing: cropped/straightened adjusted curves/light adjustments/adjusted for red and yellow/vibrancy up/saturation down/ texture up/clarity up/dehaze up/sharpened/healed his rash, and half heartedly cloned some wrinkles out of the blanket.

Gear: Canon 6D Mark II, Sigma Art 35 lens
Settings: ISO 800, f2.5, 1/80
The Shot: We were at the aquarium on a weekday where there were no crowds. I saw him looking at the fish and liked the colors & light happening, so I stepped back and told him to stay right there & be still as possible!
Post Processing: Lightroom only edit. Applied my edited version of an Annick Paradis preset. Straightened based on the photos on the wall to the left. Brought exposure up a tiny bit.

Gear: Canon 90D 50mm
Settings: ISO 100 f/1.8 1/125
The Shot: I went for a walk in our backyard woods with my nephews and they were all ready to get into the water with their rain gear. I backed up (was practically in the bushes with my 50mm) and tried to put the camera close to water level to capture the reflection. I love the contrast of these colors.
Post Processing: Lightroom editing - darkened the overall image with light settings and brought

Gear: Nikon D750, Nikon 24-70mm at 70mm
Settings: 1/3200, f2.8, ISO 100
The Shot: First, I had hubby stand with the pumpkin so that I could have him be in the light that I wanted and get all the settings on my camera the way I wanted. Then, I switched places with him and had him take a few pictures.I was standing in our woods in a lighted area with a shaded background. I focused on the pumpkin's lighter area so that I could get the dark/moody look.
Post Processing: I edited in ACR using a Krautkopf preset and cropping the image just a bit.